Department of B.Sc In Nursing (Basic)
 State College of Health Sciences is the pioneer College in Private Sector of its kind in the country and its established in 2002 with a view to improve the quality and standard of education in health sector. State College of Health Sciences has the vital resources with commitment for excellence & value for nursing education in Bangladesh
 Nursing Department is one of the most important department of State College of Health Sciences. Vision of this college is providing need based education to be a graduate nurse. Its aim at developing human resources in the field of Health Sciences according to the demand of in country and abroad.
With the advancement of medical sciences this college is producing competent graduate nurse.
Nursing education is the based on modern trends to  develop in medical, health, social & educational sciences in order to global changing needs of society and advance technology. Nurses are the frontline care provider in the health care system. Nurses form the backbone of health care delivery services with the advancement of medical education.
There are many challenges and opportunities introducing advanced nursing courses in Bangladesh.
Department of Nursing offer 4 years B.Sc in Nursing & 2 years Post Basic B.Sc in Nursing education program. Students are getting some of facilities and benefits, that students enjoy are:
- Countryâs first health sciences College.
- B.Sc degree will be obtained from University of Dhaka
- Affordable fee structure
- Teaching & learning by qualified teachers
- Clinical practices in countryâs best hospitals
- An excellent graduate employability record.
- Attractive campus is located in the centre of communication with all prominent locations and easy transportation.
- Attractive facilities for internship program at LABAID hospital
- Scope of scholarship from College, LABAID group & WVA.
- Scope of higher study in Public Health Master degree (MPH) in State University of Bangladesh with reasonable waiver.
- Graduate students are currently studying in different Universities for their higher study in Masters course in DU and NIANER&BSMMU.
- Graduate students are currently studying in different foreign Universities for their higher study in Masters and PhD course in India and USA, Australia, UK, Thailand.
- Graduates are working in different renowned Government and private sectors, such as âArmed Forces nursing Services (AFNS) BNMC, Bangladesh Bank, Nursing Colleges and some NGOs.
- Graduates are working in abroad like USA, Australia, Japan, England and Canada
The Nursing profession in Bangladesh has reached at sustainable level to contribute in improving quality care to clients for achievement the goal of the National health Services. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare strongly encourages private sectors to run a diploma and B.Sc Nursing program. As a part of State College of Health Sciences is offering Two courses in B.Sc in Nursing â four years &two years (post basic),approved by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Bangladesh Nursing Council and affiliated with University of Dhaka.
Course Details
4 Year B.Sc Nursing
1st Year
- Communicative English and Information & Communication Technology Paper I & II
- Behavioral Science
- Anatomy & Physiology Paper I & II
- Fundamental Nursing-1, Paper I & II
- Fundamental Nursing-1, Paper I & II
2nd Year
- Fundamental Nursing -2, Paper I & II
- Pediatric Nursing
- Medical & Surgical Nursing â 1, Paper I & II
- Orthopedic Nursing
3rd Year
- Medical & Surgical Nursing â 2 Paper-I & II
- Community Health Nursing
- Psychiatric Nursing
- Emergency & Critical Care
4th Year
- Midwifery Paper-I & II
- Midwifery Paper-I & II
- Nursing Education & Management Paper -I & II
- Research in Nursing Paper – I & II
Admission Criteria
The applicant must have passed both SSC & HSC Examinations in Science group with biology. Applicants must have GPA 3 Â in biology both SSC & HSC .
The Applicants must have cumulative GPA (both SSC & HSC) total 7.0 but not less than   GPA 3  in either SSC or HSC examination separately.
Candidates who have passed the SSC and HSC examinations before 2020 & 2022 respectively need not apply.
Role of Graduates
Graduates nurse are targeted to
- Demonstrate knowledge in nursing science to focusing on nursing process,
holistic nursing care - Make clinical nursing Judgment in common, simple & compels problem of Client.
- Research and evidence based care
- Provide client centre quality care. Thinking critically and committing to self
directed learning - Have positive attitudes towards clients, society and professional nursing.
House # 262/A, Road # 27, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh.
Phone Number
Career Opportunities
- Hospital in public private sector
- Work in clinic, Bank, Embassy, NGO
- Higher Study and work in countries abroad
Augmented by Clinical Placement
- LAB AID Cardiac Care Hospital
- LAB AID Specialized Hospital
- National Institute of Mental Health & Hospital
- National Institute of Traumatology & Rehabilitation Centre for disable
- Shahed Sahrawardy Medical College & Hospital
- Probin H. Hospital