
Studentā€™ Code of Conduct

Dress Code:

Students are advised not to enter the college campus or classroom in the following attire:

  1. Without properly pinned ID card
  2. Wearing a sleeveless, hanging t-shirt or chemise
  3. Wearing a wrack, ragged or slashed jeans/trousers
  4. Wearing half-pant or skirt
  5. Putting on slippers of ordinary type
  6. Wearing provocative and seductive clothing/dress.

Library Code:

Students are advised to strictly maintain the following code of conduct while using the library facilities
of the college:

  1. ID card must be hung properly.
  2. Library users must observe silence. all sorts of non-academic discussion and making unnecessary
    noise must be avoided.
  3. Maintain cleanliness inside the library
  4. Smoking, eating and drinking inside the library are strictly prohibited
  5. Handle the books and other reading materials carefully
  6. Borrowing policy should be strictly followed
  7. Mobile Phone must be turned off in the library, Class room & Exam Hall.

Violation of Discipline:

Offences: Conducts of students which are subject to penalty includes, but is not limited, to committing,
assisting or participating in the following offences:

  1. Plagiarism (Plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct in which an individual presents the work
    of another person as his or her own.)
  2. Submitting the same essay, presentation or assignment more than once whether the earlier submission
    was at this institution or another institution, unless prior approval has been obtained.
  3. Cheating at a Quiz/test/ or an examination or falsifying material subject to academic evaluation.
  4. Impersonating a candidate at an examination or availing oneself of the results of such examination.
  5. Engaging in verbal or physical altercation with other faculty, staff, students or other members
    of the college.
  6. Speaking, addressing, behaving, or treating members of the opposite gender in a manner that could
    be construed as gender harassment
  7. Discriminating between any members of faculty, staff, students, or other members of the college
    on grounds of gender, color, race or religion.
  8. Bringing false allegation against another member of faculty, staff, student, or others in the
  9. Any activity that impedes, hinders, prevents the right of a student to attend classes
  10. Any acts thatā€™s disturbs the peace and order either in class room or in the campus
  11. Carrying any sort of deadly or dangerous weapon or explosive of any kind inside the college
  12. Possessing or taking any sort of drug or seductive product
  13. Bringing intoxicating drinks and/or regulated drugs inside the campus or in hostel
  14. Possession or distribution of any sort of porno graphic materials.
  15. Any sort of physical assault and/or injuries to any one of the college
  16. Stealing any material of the college
  17. Extortion or unauthorized solicitation.
  18. Selling tickets, raffles or lotteries without permission of the college authority
  19. Using disrespectful or indecent language and committing offensive acts
  20. Any activity leading to defamation and maligning
  21. Destruction of college properties or properties belonging to any member of the teaching and nonteaching
  22. Any sort of forgery or falsification and attempt thereof.
  23. Organizing gambling or playing cards inside the campus or in hostel
  24. Any activity that leads to misrepresentation and dishonesty
  25. Entering the class room and/or office without proper permission
  26. Planning and organizing activities contrary to the best interest of the college
  27. Violating any clauses of the college circulation / notice
  28. Attachment with any subversive organization
  29. Printing of any documents/materials using the names and seals of the college without obtaining
    permission from proper authority
  30. Committing any offense punishable under existing law of the land.
  31. Entering the campus or class room or Library without wearing ID card.
  32. Smoking in the campus or in hostel
  33. Violation of admission and registration procedures and policies.
  34. Misuse or improper use of college properties and facilities
  35. Tampering, altering or destroying any part of the notices or posters that are displayed by the
    college authority
  36. Acts of any king that causes panic and confusion in class room or in the campus or in hostel
  37. Spitting on the floor, corridors, sitting on stairways, gates, exits and passages
  38. Writing on the walls of the class rooms & other walls in the campus
  39. Loitering along the corridors, sitting on stairways, gates, edits and passages
  40. Dislocation chairs, tables boxes, lab equipments, audio-visual equipment and the link from rooms
    an buildings without permission of the proper authority
  41. Violating of hostel Rules and Regulations
  42. Failing to comply with any penalty imposed for misconduct
  43. The disciplinary committee will decide upon any offense/offenses not mentioned above
  44. The college authority reserve the right to add, alter or modify any portion of the Rules and
    provisions laid down in this Code of Conduct.